
Why Do the Roots of My Hair Hurt?

Hair root discomfort is a debilitating condition that has an impact on one’s daily life. When combing your hair, you may experience tingling, burning, or simply an unpleasant sensation that is not only uncomfortable but also perplexing. The acute pain may appear to be coming from your hair, but it is actually coming from your scalp’s nerves. The majority of scalp discomfort goes away on its own or with the help of medicine. Scalp discomfort, on the other hand, might be an indication of another underlying illness in some circumstances. While there are no blood cells or nerves in the hair shaft, there are numerous little nerve endings in the roots of your hair follicles that are sensitive. This demonstrates that the scalp can hurt for a variety of reasons. Here are the most common causes of this problem. Infections Infections can develop if you don’t clean your hair for a long time. During the day, touching the scalp with dirty hands can also cause pain. In addition, infections in the ne

Rejected Hair Implants

  What Is Hair Transplantation?   Hair transplantation is a natural and permanent solution for hair loss problems. The process of implanting healthy hair follicles to areas where the hair follicle is no longer active by microsurgical methods is called  hair transplantation . The patient’s healthy hair is invested in the spilled area in hair transplantation.   For Whom Is Hair Transplantation Applied?   Hair transplantation can be performed on people whose hair appears thinning or shedding due to genetic reasons, hormonal problems, stress, environmental factors, and accidents. If one wants to have a hair transplant operation, they must have enough grafts to make the transplantation perfectly. People with hereditary baldness can also have hair transplantation.   What Are Famous Hair Transplant Methods?   Even though many hair transplants have been found thanks to technological developments, FUE and DHI methods are still the most used methods applied by hair transplant clinics or hospita

Does Black Seed Oil Grow Hair?

  Women and men generally prefer natural methods among hair removal methods. Black cumin, which is among these methods, is among the best care methods for hair. Thanks to black cumin, your hair gains a more lush appearance, while at the same time, it comes to the fore in protecting hair color. To prevent hair loss, which is one of everyone’s fearful dreams, it is necessary to use black cumin regularly. Hair loss between 50 and 100 strands per day is considered normal. However, hair loss of more than 100 strands is usually caused by a problem. First, you need to find out what the problem is. Then you can apply various methods to your hair to eliminate the problem. When using methods that stop hair loss, it is necessary to be careful not to cause additional damage. Thanks to the nutritional content of the black seed, it also helps your hair gain a healthier appearance while stopping hair loss. Since it nourishes the scalp, it ensures the complete disappearance of dog-like formations. Esp